What is community recovery?

Community recovery is the process of resolving the impacts of a crisis for the individuals and communities affected.

Recovery is complex, multi-faceted and can vary greatly according to the type of crisis and the subsequent needs of affected communities. Emergency management in Victoria often refer to two key types of crises within the context of community resilience and recovery:

  • Shocks are sudden events that can threaten a community
  • Stresses are chronic issues that weaken the fabric of communities on a daily or cyclical basis

These can impact all aspects of everyday life, including:

Health & wellbeing

Environment & biodiversity

Business & economy

Buildings & infrastructure

Community engagement & cohesion

Mental health
Climate change

Natural disasters
Extreme heat
Extremist acts

While the initial onset of a crisis typically receives the most attention, community recovery is a long-term process. Help is actually most needed in the weeks, months or even years following a disaster, well beyond the immediate impacts.

By focusing on a volunteer-centred and community-directed approach to recovery, weVolunteer supports local communities in coping with both chronic issues (stresses) and sudden emergencies or disasters (shocks).

Ready to become a community recovery volunteer?

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